
OK, I should have done this like... 2 weeks ago...
Here's the worship schedule for Janurary, please take a look and let me know if you can't make it.

      Worship Leader         Singer         Power Point      Welcome

1/3    Francie               Erfan, Cynthia   Chandera          Rico

1/10  Cynthia            Franice, Rosie      Sarah              Liepin/Dolok

1/17  Erfan               Francie, Rosie       Jenny           Dolok/Chandera

1/24   Rosie             Erfan, Cynthia       Sarah              Rico

1/31   Francie           Rosie, Cynthia      Jenny             Liepin/Sarah


Thanks everyone!
Just to let you know that the drummer, Mark thinks the English worship is really inspring.
Be encouraged!! And keep shining the light!!



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