
Dear brothers and sisters,

This coming Sunday there will be no afternoon service. Cina from Book of Hope headquater is coming and she'll be sharing in the morning services. Please come at 10:45AM. Of course it'll be in English.

If you won't be here for the Chinese New Year holiday, please let me know. There will be a hot pot party at the chuch on Feb 14th, Chinese New Year's day. The English service will also be in the morning. and the hot pot party will be at noon. Please let me know if you'll be able to attend.


worship schedule for Feb:

                  worship leader              singers                     power point                 welcome

2/7             Francie                     Cynthia, Rosie               Jenny                           Dolok

2/14           Erfan                       Francie, Rosie                Chandera                    Rico

2/21           Cynthia                   Francie, Erfan                 Sarah                           Chandera

2/28           Rosie                      Cynthia, Erfan                Jenny                            Sarah


a picture of Billy... all he does is eat, sleep, play, and bite!! what a life!!!!



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